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Pavel and Karolína

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a romantic story


Once Pavel was walking down the street and it was raining. Suddenly he bumped into a girl who was in a hurry and her bag fell on the ground. Pavel handed her a bag. Karolína thanked him. And because they were wet. He suggested going to a local coffee shop.

Pavel and Karolína sat down on the chairs. Finally they introduced themselves. He gave her his hand.

P: „My name is Pavel“.

K: „I'm Karolína. Nice to meet you.“

P: Could I order you a cup of tea?''

K: ,, It would be so kind of you. Thank you very much.´´

Pavel left their table. He walked towards the waiter.

In a moment he came and brought two cups of tea.

They talked all evening. And Pavel invited her on a date.

The next day they had a date in the park. They discovered that they had similar hobbies such as cycling and reading.

In two months, Pavel asked her to marry him. „Will you marry me, love?“

Karolína felt excited, surprised and happy.

„Yes, I will marry you, Pavel.“

A year later, they had a small wedding at Žleby Castle.

Then they went on a wedding trip to Šumava.

Now they are expecting a baby.

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