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Foto: Prezidentka. Online. Dostupné z: https://www.restorio.cz/catalog/product/view/id/592741.

about the president from my point of view


Rudolf Havlík´s movie Prezidentka is a romantic and fairy-tale story set in Prague, moving from a Castle residence to the beautiful breathtaking garden.

Kateřina feels her life is unpleasant. She begins to desire adventure and freedom. Kateřina puts on a wig and escapes at night through a secret door from the Castle to the lower part where a handsome sculptor named Peter lives.

The president is very excited about amazing statues and charming flowers.

Suddenly she stumbles and falls into the pond, she then gets scared and runs away.

The following day goes there again to pay the damages. Peter and Kateřina go for walks and enjoy the magic atmosphere.

The plot is well constructed and the story is pleasant, gripping and impressive.

The main characters are nicely described. Peter is honest and hardworking. He can fix everything.Kateřina is determined kind, loyal, confident.

I am falling in love with this story. I could not pull myself away from the romantic story. I am absolutely excited. Have you seen the movie? If not, I recommend it to you, because it is best.

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